Why participate in MOVEMENT MEDITATIONS?

Take a moment to bring awareness to your body. Notice any areas of discomfort — a tight jaw, knotted back, or tense shoulders, perhaps? These are sensations that highlight the connection between the emotional and physical bodies and ones that worsen when we are faced with health challenges. The C2 Movement Meditations explore your inner experience to realign your mind, body, and soul. Used separately or combined to create a personalized program, each of the gentle movements has been intentionally designed to awaken deeply held energy within your body, move any tension or stress through your cellular tissue, and release unhealthy emotions with perfectly timed breathing and physical expression. Invite ease back into your body with graceful movement and intentional release. This is a celebration of freedom, an empowerment of beauty – mind, body, and soul.


From the comfort of your chair, prepare yourself to experience a gentle expression of movement designed to massage your body and lengthen your spine, increasing circulation and energy to help decrease stress, release trapped energy, and ignite healing on a physical level. Each curated exercise series has been specifically engineered to maximize ease through movement and work through your chakra system to clear and regulate each chakra from the root to your crown. Enjoy a variety of movements that invite your body to twist, undulate, arch, and curl to rejuvenate you – mind, body, and soul.

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