The C2 Channeled Journal Prompts are a beautiful way to intentionally incorporate more neural stimulation into your healing journey. Ailment is oftentimes the result of and is most definitely worsened by repressed emotions. Unexpressed emotions and trauma are stored in various places throughout the entire body. 

Are Journal Prompts right for you?


The C2 Channeled Journal Prompts are a beautiful way to intentionally incorporate more neural stimulation into your healing journey. Ailment is oftentimes the result of and is most definitely worsened by repressed emotions. Unexpressed emotions and trauma are stored in various places throughout the entire body. 

Are Journal Prompts right for you?

Journaling offers a profound impact on the body’s ability to heal as it offers a tactile way of expressing and releasing experiences thereby setting off a chain reaction that helps a body to heal.

Journaling offers a profound impact on the body’s ability to heal as it offers a tactile way of expressing and releasing experiences thereby setting off a chain reaction that helps a body to heal.

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