founder. creative director.

Diagnosed with cancer in 2019, Christine felt there could be more than the standard of care she was seeing. So she sought a multitude of modalities to help with her healing in mind, body and soul. These science-based wellness practices and practitioners along with her incredible medical team carried her through the darkest of times. She came through this health challenge transformed with a mission to empower women to see their true brilliance and intrinsic beauty.

In her own words, ‘My story is not defined through my diagnosis. I don’t even have those words anymore—nor do I want to dig through the paperwork to find them. So I’ve literally put all of that in a box sealed in the attic and no longer honor those details. To recount those details— and quite frankly the isolation, the fear, the trauma a diagnosis brings—- makes no sense to me.

Instead I honor the daily practice of thriving in the midst of it all, and I am ever grateful for the lessons I am learning. Founding C2 and building our C2 cancer—redefined initiative, that is cathartic for me—it is the continuation of all my healing.

“My wish is for C2 to become a sacred gift wrapped in beauty for other women to open, fully receive and discover their version of what it means to thrive.”


founder. concierge care.

After having experienced her own medical challenges and being told she would never recover, Lisa curated her own healing journey with a combination of holistic and traditional medical practices. Once fully recovered, she shared all she had learned with clients in her private studio, Nagare. With nearly two decades of working with the human body, mind, and soul, Lisa is now the Founder of C2 Concierge Care. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Feng Shui Master, and accomplished author, her transformative journey has made her an inspiration for holistic care.

”When I was in the whirlwind of my healing journey, I felt invisible, broken, undeserving, and powerless. My trajectory changed the moment I was seen as a whole person. I went from facing a life in a wheelchair with major accommodations to 100% recovery and thriving. I took my prognosis and completely redefined it. C2 is doing the same by redefining what it means to heal and offering a new way of discovering personal beauty through any diagnosis. With my whole heart, I am honored and grateful to work with the amazing members of the C2 community.”


founder. creative director.

Diagnosed with cancer in 2019, Christine felt there could be more than the standard of care she was seeing. So she sought a multitude of modalities to help with her healing in mind, body and soul. These science-based wellness practices and practitioners along with her incredible medical team carried her through the darkest of times. She came through this health challenge transformed with a mission to empower women to see their true brilliance and intrinsic beauty.

In her own words, ‘My story is not defined through my diagnosis. I don’t even have those words anymore—nor do I want to dig through the paperwork to find them. So I’ve literally put all of that in a box sealed in the attic and no longer honor those details. To recount those details— and quite frankly the isolation, the fear, the trauma a diagnosis brings—- makes no sense to me.

Instead I honor the daily practice of thriving in the midst of it all, and I am ever grateful for the lessons I am learning. Founding C2 and building our C2 cancer—redefined initiative, that is cathartic for me—it is the continuation of all my healing.

“My wish is for C2 to become a sacred gift wrapped in beauty for other women to open, fully receive and discover their version of what it means to thrive.”


founder. concierge care.

After having experienced her own medical challenges and being told she would never recover, Lisa curated her own healing journey with a combination of holistic and traditional medical practices. Once fully recovered, she shared all she had learned with clients in her private studio, Nagare. With nearly two decades of working with the human body, mind, and soul, Lisa is now the Founder of C2 Concierge Care. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Feng Shui Master, and accomplished author, her transformative journey has made her an inspiration for holistic care.

”When I was in the whirlwind of my healing journey, I felt invisible, broken, undeserving, and powerless. My trajectory changed the moment I was seen as a whole person. I went from facing a life in a wheelchair with major accommodations to 100% recovery and thriving. I took my prognosis and completely redefined it. C2 is doing the same by redefining what it means to heal and offering a new way of discovering personal beauty through any diagnosis. With my whole heart, I am honored and grateful to work with the amazing members of the C2 community.”
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