Not sure where to begin?

If you are looking for a bite-sized introduction to C2 care—redefined,

The Living Library is the place to start.

Comprised of an evolving collection of individual resources to ease your mind, body and soul, you can start with one modality or purchase all 24.

The C2 Living Library consists of these 4 custom components curated for each of our Six Thriving Principles:

Sound Healings
Guided Meditations
Movement Meditations
Channeled Journal Prompts

30 day access granted for every purchase.


Not sure where to begin?

If you are looking for a bite-sized introduction to C2 care—redefined,

The Living Library is the place to start.

Comprised of an evolving collection of individual resources to ease your mind, body and soul, you can start with one modality or purchase all 24.

The C2 Living Library consists of these 4 custom components
curated for each of our Six Thriving Principles:

Sound Healings
Guided Meditations
Movement Meditations
Channeled Journal Prompts

30 day access granted for every purchase.

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our C2 Shop

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so please say hello.

Or if you would like to partner with us,
kindly fill out the form below.
Should there be a fit, a member
of our team will circle back.

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